
BEST OF 2017

by - January 11, 2018

This post is 11 days overdue (duh... what's new), but better late than never. So, here it goes...


2017 for me started with an internship with Samsung Electronics Malaysia. Before accepting the offer, I was in a dilemma as I had 3 offers pending. I was anxious yet excited to working for a large corporation like Samsung but I knew it was the best choice for my future. With the support from my family, I accepted the offer and it was such a priceless opportunity. I learnt and grew so much as an individual from just 3 months working with them, and it was such an obvious personal advancement that my lecturer even took time to give his compliments and feedbacks. 

As for work, I learnt and gain so much - the experience of working for an international corporation. Being a shy and timid person, I had to 'grow some balls' to get my work done because my tasks involved engaging with people within and outside the organization. I have heard so much about how interns aren't capable enough, and being an intern then made me felt so self conscious. I constantly try to avoid mistakes because I do not wish to be frown upon on. That thought changed when my superior sent me out of office to conduct a few trainings on my own. It's incidents like this that has helped in reassuring myself that I was doing okay. 


Taylor's University

The second quarter of 2017 was basically surviving final semester of my Bachelors Degree program. In short, it was a whirlwind for all of us juggling between assignments and university projects, and some of us juggling between studies and work. Sleep was almost not in our vocabulary and our stress level was over the roof but all of that paid off really well. My team got chosen as the winning proposal team, and most of our assignments were of flying colours! Most importantly, I am glad we found each other - a team that brings each other up, and a friendship to last a lifetime. We sat for our last paper on the 22nd of July, and before we know it, 3 years was done. 


Elizabeth Quay, Perth, Australia

In August, Belle and I finally went on our first vacation together - Perth! It was also my very first vacation overseas with a friend and I am glad I had Belle with me. Previously, we tried to plan on other destinations but it never worked out due to time and resources constrains. We spent a total of 5 days there and it all ended way too soon! Our days there were cold and rainy, but it was a good trip as Perth isn't a hectic city. We both got the relaxation that we needed, and sipped on countless of hot chocolate. Do check out my previous blog posts for accommodation, itinerary, write ups, visuals and vlogs! 


I swear I had such a difficult time trying to pick one best photo for each city!

Over September - October, my family and I had our ultimate family trip cum graduation trip! This was a trip that was planned since almost a year ago and it was by far the toughest trip to plan. We were fortunate to have my sister planning most of the itinerary as she had a fair share of experience in UK prior to this. I thought I loved planning itineraries, until this! Everything was so complicated - familiarizing public transport routes, booking of domestic and international flights with airlines that we have never been on before, the currency difference, etc. Also, not forgetting all the unforeseen incidents that we had to come up with spontaneous Plan Bs! But it was an amazing trip and the best graduation present that I could ever ask for. I really never thought I could visit Santorini this soon, and it could not have happened if it weren't for my parents. Will do a more detailed write up on this soon!

Tower Bridge, London, United Kingdom

Fira, Santorini, Greece

Nyhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark

Alster Lake, Hamburg, Germany

Rhein Fall, Zurich, Switzerland

Eiffel Tower, Paris, France

Stonehenge, Salisbury, UK

UWE, Bristol, UK

Pulteney Bridge, Bath, UK

Primark, Manchester, UK


One of the craziest thing I had done in 2017 would be this - flying to Thailand the very next day after landing from Europe the previous night. I thought I will experience really bad jet lag but to my surprise I coped really well! This was a vacation with my university buddies - Jessica & Sabrina, although I wish all 5 of us could have made it! We spent a total of 4 days with 2 full days packed with island hoping tours. I don't remember when was the last time I had a beach vacation prior to this and it definitely felt good after a long cold vacation!


After graduating from Taylor's, I was contemplating whether to begin my adulthood in Ipoh or KL. At that time, KL was a place of sorrow for me and all I wanted to do was to stay in Ipoh, be near to my family. Technically, I did move all of my things from my previous apartment back to Ipoh for a few months while I did all my traveling. My plans after graduation was rather stagnant and I didn't know how to go from there. On one hand, I wanted to enjoy my travels entirely before getting worked up about what was going to happen after that, but on the other, it bugged me so much not knowing what's happening after that or even where will I be. Until, I got a text from a company while I was in Perth, and I was employed after returning from my Europe and Phuket trip.  


Although the duration of working with this company - which I would like to keep it confidential - was a short term and temporary one, it was still a blessing for me as it kept me on track and it gave me a direction to start over after graduation. The people I've met in the company are caring and it's not just on a business level. It was a great little experience working for a startup but I later on decided that I had to move on to something I am more passionate about; or at least something more of my interest / relatable, to first build my career foundation. 


After months of waiting, and countless of emails sent to the university, the official results were released in November. It was a nerve wrecking moment and I still remember the longest walk I had from the carpark to the office; took a number and waited for my turn, which also felt like forever when I was already the next in line; walked up to the counter to be asked for my particulars and it felt like they took soooooo long to look for my transcript. I was so anxious but when I finally saw my final CGPA, I was holding myself back from crying tears of joy in front of everyone. Studies were never my forte, and getting such achievement is more than I can ever imagine myself achieving. Hard work do pay off and most importantly, the willingness in yourself to achieve the best you can. At that very moment, for the very first time, I was proud of myself and I was genuinely happy on my own because it was something I did for and achieved for myself and on my own (with also help from group mates of course). 


I never really had a favourite artist or whatsoever. I always listen to the songs more than who sings them and that's when I heard Perfect by Ed Sheeran and feel in love with it. When it was first announced about this concert in KL, Sabrina and I tried our best to get the tickets but to no avail. Until, the day before his concert, Sabrina found a reseller and we were really contemplating if we should and we had to decide quick. The picture says it all that yes we did get the tickets and that was my very first concert that I attended!


Receiving such colourful results calls for a celebration - and that's how I met Ivan. That very same night, my friends were planning on getting drinks and going out at night - not something that I would do at all back then. But that night, I just needed to get out, and had the urge to begin socializing. And we were both introduced to each other by a mutual friend. Who would have thought that the breakfast date on the very next day would lead to where we are right now. On new years eve, we spent it in a bar where we were suppose to meet for the very first time but I was busy with work. We both got to witness a spectacular fireworks display just outside the bar, and be in each other's arm welcoming 2018. Here's to more celebrations together, and having and appreciating each other in life. Here's to a new journey for the both of us. 

Here's to a happier journey in life. 

Sincerely, Mels

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