
Ombre Touch Up @ Number 76, Publika

by - January 17, 2016

Last October, I got my hair dyed to an (supposedly) ash brown colour (read). The colour initially appeared to be greenish brown in doors and it looked splendid outdoors as the true ash brown colour did showed. Many complimented and asked for the exact hair colour. Soon, it became the other way around. It became quite ugly whenever I'm outdoors as it appeared to be more of a golden colour than brown. And when I'm indoors, it looks still fine, except for the roots that was hogging the top of my head. With that, you can imagine how bad and obvious it looks whenever I'm under natural sunlight.

From all of that, it turned to just complete ugly regardless I'm outdoors or indoors. To give you a picture of it, it looked like this INDOORS...

The only reason that I took this shot was because of the lose curls by the end of my work. But it is because of this picture, I only realized that even during indoors plus it was night time, my hair was already this bad and the roots difference in colour just made everything worse. 

Two days after my work ended which was just last Friday, I decided to give Number 76 a try as their Instagram photos are convincing enough that they will do a great job for me without anymore colour errors from what I really wanted. The reason I chose the Number 76 branch in Publika is because I knew a few bloggers that actually goes there to have their hair done, and also I think Publika would be more convenient in terms of parking compared to MidValley or even Bangsar. 

I had no idea the exact location of the shop and luckily, they provided specific directions around Publika to their shop.

"Walk towards Publika Shopping Mall’s main entrance, you will see Journal by Plan B on your left and Wondermilk on your right. Step out of the mall, and turn left. Chawan will be on your right. Continue with a short walk towards the junction and turn right when you see Meat, Wine & Co in front of you. Walk straight and you will arrive at Number76 near the end of the row." - number76.com

As I was not sure how they would charge touch up with the way that I wanted, I didn't book any appointment and went as a walk-in customer. After explaining to them that I wanted to touch up with a way darker colour, while keeping my old colour at the end, and creating an ombre effect in between, the stylist told me the price and was seated shortly.

Before applying the colour, they showed me the colour that they were going to use and make sure I was okay with it first. My previous hairstylist didn't showed me the exact colour before applying as I only showed him a picture and he straight did my hair for me, which turned out to be not what I really wanted in the end. 

The entire process was pretty quick as it took about an hour or so. In between, I was served with tea and the other hairstylist to passed by me gave me a smile and some even talked to me. When it was time to wash my hair, I was placed like a sleeping mask over my eye, only that it's made out of facial cotton material. I guess it's to prevent any water splashes to ruin my makeup? Haha. Or maybe it's to block direct lighting into my eyes? But it was definitely soothing that it made me felt so sleepy. 

After getting my hair dried, the hairstylist made sure that the colour is dark enough and the outcome of it was what I wanted. The stylist then used a curler to briefly make curly waves to my hair which I knew it wouldn't last more than 2 hours because my hair gets straight again very quickly if the curling  iron isn't placed around my hair long enough, or when there's no hair spray used.

As soon as I got home, I quickly turned on my camera and snap as much pictures as I can before the curler disappears completely! 

TADAA! This is a super candid photo because the timer was only 3 seconds! Haha. Randomly posed this and then it was snapped!

My current colour! Pretty satisfied with the colour this time! Not an obvious ombre compared to other people who dye their bottom hair with ash grey / ash-striking colour but at least my roots have been saved! 
Sadly that this is the only nice back hair photo AND the top of my head has to be chopped off from the frame. Great!

Fun Fact: I used to love taking photos with the top of my head slightly chopped off from the frame but these days, it's something so crucial in photo taking for me! Haha. 

Photo was taken when I was seated right in front of the balcony to get as much natural light as I could. Haha. That's why the brown still appears to be pretty obvious which got me thinking again what if the roots grow and the colour difference will still be as obvious? Well, hopefully it wouldn't be as bad!

This was taken further away from the natural light and the hair colour appears to be darker. 

Side view. Should have done a hair flipping shot! Haha.

How it looks when I tie it up.

Super duper in love with the colour!!

The hairstylist who attended to me was 'Fung'. You can search for his Instagram @76_Fung. Towards the end of my visit, I was advised to make an appointment first before going as everyone would be busy attending their own customers. Lucky for me that it was still quite empty that morning when I went.

I really hope that the colour would maintain as long as it can. I'm quite hesitated to go to the saloon to fix my hair so often. Not forgetting, the amount of money that I need to pay to get my hair done! For this time, it's a little treat for myself from the salary that I had earn working with Tag Heuer. Also, every time when I get my hair highlighted / coloured, it gets quite dry and it can be a real pain in the ass whenever I wash my hair. It took me almost 3 months to smoothen out my hair from my previous dye and it's another cycle. 

Thanks for reading! Signing off. xx

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