

by - April 24, 2018

Days before graduation, I was so anxious and nervous about so many things - what if my heels hurt, what if I trip on stage, what if my hair looks ugly with the mortar board on, what if I don't look nice in my graduation robe, and many more what ifs were running through my head. But as I look back now, I felt a little silly to be worrying so much! My face may look a little rounder than usual and that I was sweating buckets beneath the mortar board and graduation robe, but that was the entire highlight of the day and probably the only chance I will get to wear them in life - if I do not pursue for Masters that is. None of my worries mattered that day as my focus was automatically shifted to the main reason that I was in Taylor's that day - to celebrate my achievements.

My girlfriends and I were messaging each other on the way to campus on where to meet and reminding each other on what to bring, etc. It had also been a while since we last saw each other and when we did, it just felt like old times again especially with all of us being in campus. 

Next to me is Nabila from Indonesia. During the first semester, we were pretty close together with Ellina, Revathy and also Lika. However our friendship grew a little more apart as the semesters pass but we were always in the same classes as we were both pursuing the same majors, and she's also my all time exam partner when it comes to seating as her name falls after mine. Even during graduation, we were arranged to sit according to alphabetical order!

Moments before it was my turn to be on stage, I had so much butterflies in my stomach. As I observe my friends receiving their awards before my turn, I can't help but to feel so proud and happy for them. When it came to my turn, I reminded myself that I worked hard the last 3 years to be here on this very day! It's my time to enjoy that few seconds on stage because it's now or never. 

When my turn was over, I was so looking forward to seeing Ivan after the ceremony. He plays a huge role in helping me to cope with work, my new life routine and kept giving me words of reassurance that all will be well for graduation. Even the night before, he literally stood in front of me for 5 minutes reassuring me everything will be okay, and told me to enjoy it. 

Quoting him, he said "you will be fine, you're the most prepared one among everyone else! You got to rent your robe earlier, had a trial run wearing the robe and mortar board, practiced with your heels, you're all set! I'll be there tomorrow to help you take as many shots you want for Instagram, I don't mind being there until 7pm, I'll be there to help you carry your things and help you with anything you need. I am very proud and happy for you."

The moment I exited the hall, he was the first that I saw, holding a huge bouquet of roses with a wide smile on his face. An expression which shows so obviously on how happy and proud he is of me. 

We then proceeded to look for my family members who were elsewhere in campus. Also, it started to rain very heavily when the ceremony ended. The situation was pretty chaotic as everyone was cramped up under the shaded area. 

Many thanks to my family and relatives who came from near and far - Gerik, Ipoh, KL, Johor. Thank you for making the effort to celebrate this special day with me, and not forgetting all the flowers and ang paus I received too!

Mum and Dad, thank you for believing in me enough to fund me through 3 years in Taylor's. 

To me, it felt like they took a chance if not risk in 'investing' into my education. My SPM and Foundation results showed no sign that I will excel well in my tertiary studies but irregardless of that, they have always reminded me that it is their wish to provide both their daughters the best education in our respective fields. I once told my mum this when I first got enrolled into Taylor's, "never in my wildest dreams I have thought that I will be given such privilege to study in a private university". This Bachelors Degree is dedicated to the both of you. 

Sis, thank you for your constant guide from afar and being my role model throughout.

She has always been the brains in the family and since young, I have only wish to achieve what she has achieve. But I never had the discipline she has when it comes to studies. As I grew older, I understand the importance of education or a Bachelors Degree to 'survive' and have always wanted to be as successful as she is.

Jessica, Sabrina, May and also Melanie, thank you for being the #dreamteam in the second half of our university years, and a special friendship that I will cherish always. 

When I first entered Taylor's, I was just an average student. I never really put much thought in pushing myself beyond my limits and comfort zone to achieve more and better things, until I met them. I wouldn't say it was a competition when it came to results, but seeing their ability in achieving outstanding results in exams and coursework makes me question myself if I am putting my 101% percent into studies. Motivation from them along as maturity over the years, that's when I started to grow and be better than I was. Thank you for everything girls. 

The partial Friendship Forever gang. We may not be as close as how we used to be anymore, but thank you for making the effort to attend my graduation all the way from Nilai! It was nice seeing you guys despite I went MIA most of the time. 

Mr Winston, the only lecturer whom I am close with in Taylor's. Thank you for your guidance and words of encouragements throughout the final 2 semesters in uni. 

To all my other friends, CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU GUYS!

Hunting for friends on graduation day is like looking for a needle in a haystack! I didn't manage to take photos with each and everyone of you but it was nice seeing you guys again. All the best to all of you, and do keep in touch! 

Extracted from Instagram, a dedication to my late Grandmother:

"In the past 23 years of my life, I have missed out many opportunities. None of it made me feel as down as knowing I never made it up to ‘the wall of fame’ in my late grandma’s house - 2 walls in her house were dedicated for graduation photos of her children and grandchildren. The next in line was mine, but she left a little too soon when I was completing my final year project, and 4 days before my very final university exam. It breaks me knowing she never saw me in my graduation robe or when I’m up on stage receiving my award.

In my previous post I mentioned Adeline is my role model in many things. When she graduated, my grandma was a part of the occasion as well as the official photos. As happy as I am about my graduation, I can’t help but to feel something is missing and it’s something I’ll never have which is to have my grandma with me on this special day.
I hope you were with us on Saturday, and you’re missed dearly."

I hope I have made you proud Ah Mah.

Special thanks to Adeline for being my awesome awesome photographer and videographer for the day! Her being stuck with me for a month in Europe last year has taught her well! 

Also thanks to this one here for being my human hanger that day. If only I took a photo of him carrying all my things with 2 cameras slung on him! I hope you had as much fun as I did, and also meeting my extended family!

Officially signing off student life 🎓


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  1. Hi! May I know how you rent the robe before the convo yea?

  2. Thanks great blog post
