
Orientation Week | Taylor's University

by - August 28, 2014

On Sunday, I went over to IKEA to get myself a mirror as my hostel room doesn't have one. Thanks to my dad for helping me to fix the mirror stand and also for helping to carry it up to my room. The good thing about this mirror is that behind it, there are hooks to hang clothes and an iron rot behind it which can be used for clothes with hangers. It's like a 2 in 1 kind of thing, so it's pretty worth the buy and it saves up space as well. With the new mirror being placed in my room, I had to swap my pantry cabinet somewhere else for the mirror to be placed next to my cupboard and near enough for me to look myself in the mirror when I blow dry my hair.

Where the pantry cabinet is right now, used to be the drying rack but it's now placed outside for better ventilation to dry my clothes.

I bought a new cork board for my studies and also changed the place to hang my photo frame with the word 'family' on it. It looks more nicer and outstanding now being hung against a darker background. I like my study table this time a lot. It's way better than the one I had previously because it's long and wide enough for me to place my printer, laptop and still have space to do my studies (with the stuff cleared out of course). Besides that, I like the position of the window as well because it gives the best lighting for selfies! Heh! Heh! 

Tadaa! See? No magic camera needed and also because it's being rented out to my sister to bring it with her to UK. 


Okay, time to focus on my topic for this blog entry which is regarding my orientation week in Taylor's University:

On Monday morning, I woke up at 7am feeling as nervous as ever and I did not really had a good night sleep the night before as I was feeling really worried and anxious about orientation because I don't have any friends and I have 'making friends' issues. With full of courage to start a new and different beginning, I made my way to the Grand Hall and found myself standing in front of the School of Communication notice board for freshmen. As I was looking through the notices, I notice that there was a guy talking to a girl near me and trying not to be rude, I just continue reading the notices which were on the board. A few moments later, the guy introduced himself to me as Justin who did his A Levels in Canada and he appears to be a communication student as well but majoring in Broadcasting whereas the girl name Melanie who did her A Levels in Japan, is in the exact same course as me. From that moment onward, I wasn't too alone and am glad to have bump into such friendly people but I spent most of my time until the end of the orientation with Melanie. On that day, we had 2 major talks to attend which is firstly, the welcoming orientation kind of talk which didn't really gave me much information that I needed and the second one which was in the afternoon, was a Safety and Awareness workshop which was actually very interesting that I paid full attention to it for the whole 2 and a half hours. In between, we went to get our IDs done as well as to hand in my PTPTN loan application. My mom came to pick me up for dinner at 1 Utama that night and we had Japanese food.

I had a hard time trying to get up on Tuesday morning but I still manage to do so and got to the venue where I was suppose to go on time. We had our academic briefing in the morning which was quite informative on the second half of the session. Had lunch in campus and ate a bowl of Pan Mee which costs RM7.50 per bowl. It's like I don't dare to spend too much on eating here and that all I ever look right now it the price and not the food. I joined the Campus Hunt in the afternoon that day which took place until 5pm. It was quite fun that I get to meet so many different people from all around the world and yes, I was surprised that I made quite a number of acquaintances from Korea, Indonesia and even Mauritius! Besides international student, I bumped into a number of my friends who did the same foundation course as me in UTAR, who are now doing degree in Taylor's as well.

Melanie and I

My teammates for campus hunt

I even got to know some seniors around that I could approach for guidance in the future if I need any. Of course, unfortunate enough, I met a guy who was super arrogant and was such a big show off and just criticize people right in their faces and also the kind of girls who I have heard about before before coming to campus. Anyway, after the campus hunt ended, Melanie and I went to collect our IDs and also our campus t-shirt. We called a cab via MyTeksi after that to Sunway Pyramid for a short walk as well as dinner. When I got back to my hostel, I got a surprise call from Tyana to ask me to go to the lakeside because she and a few friends were here to pay me a short visit. It was really sweet and nice of them to keep me in their thoughts.

High school lovelies

When I got back to my room, I went online to my student portal to find that my timetable had been changed by the authorities that now I have a Saturday class in the morning. I was so looking forward to go home on Thursday and now I have to stay here in KL for good. I was so disappointed that I pretty much rant out my feelings about it to my dearest boo who eventually went on Skype with me instead and listened to my grandmother story. Thanks for everything, boo ^^

2 years ago, I always snap a picture of us Skyping secretly and 2 years later, the same thing still happen and every time I did it, he never knew. Some things never change and some things will never change. ^^

I got to sleep in till 9.30am on Wednesday because orientation only starts at 11am on that day, which is yesterday. The orientation for that day only lasted for about half an hour on what we are suppose to do and not to do which I have already know from foundation, and also the referencing that we will be using in Taylor's which is Harvard referencing - that's something new that I will have to learn. After that, Melanie and I proceeded to the clubs and societies fair and I joined 2 clubs which is the music and photography club. At first I thought of joining one of them only but I couldn't decide so I end up joining both. There's also lots of other clubs such as Leo club, Toastmasters club and all sorts of other clubs which was not available in UTAR when I was there. As time goes by, I'll see how well am I coping between my studies and club activities and then will only decide whether to join in Leo and Toastmasters club or not. 

I had the entire afternoon free because the last event for orientation only starts at 5.30pm which is the orientation party. During my free time, I manage to rest for a little bit, did my laundry, shower and got ready for the party that evening.

If only I really have flawless skin like that
I have really bad fringe now

This area is called the Amphitheatre where the orientation party was held that evening.

It was a costume/themed party actually and we're suppose to wear as 'greek-y' as possible or go in white. So, I just put on whatever I have and just attend the party and I turned out to be one of the most casual ones.

We look so fair because of the colour of our dresses

Met a girl name May who is also enrolled in the same course as Melanie and me.

There were lots of performance that evening - dancing, singing, beat boxer, bands and last but not least, they even invited a DJ to come over to rock the entire night, throughout dinner. When there's a DJ, it's impossible to have no dancing. So, the entire party somehow turned into a night club minus the alcohol.

See what I meant? The background looks like we're in some pub or something right? It's pretty wild for me but maybe not for others because I have never been to an actual party like this before as well as night clubs. I guess I had a culture shock which made me felt a bit out of place. I tried to enjoy myself with the crowd but after a while, it's just not my thing. 

Beware if you're using earphones as the music may a bit loud

At the photo booth. My hair was in a mess because of the strong win plus sweating. Oh well.

Overall, the party was quite nice until the DJ came into the picture. I guess it's an experience for myself. I am really glad that they picked Greek theme for this event because I like 'Greek style'? Basically, it's white and it's very heaven/fairytale-ish kind of thing to me. My dream of visiting Greece - especially Santorini - is a must to come true for me in the future when I have the money to go that is.

Orientation is over and now it's time to give my full focus in class and I have a class on Saturday morning - that sucks.

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