
19th Birthday

by - July 11, 2014

This year's birthday celebration, is one of the most special and unique birthday I ever had in this 19 years. Can't believe that I am already 19, 1 more month and I am done with my 'P' driving license, and next year I will already be entering the (young) adulthood, because one is not officially adult until his/her's 21st birthday. 

As stated in one of my previous blog post recently, that I received my birthday present from my parents 2 weeks prior to my actual birthday which was flight tickets to Sydney. It was indeed the most special, different, unique, adventurous, thrilling, (and the list goes on) vacation that I've had to date. It is definitely a vacation that I will never forget which will always put a smile on my face whenever I look back to it. I really wished that it didn't had to end so quickly. Yes, 1 week is somehow not enough for me, but I have a strong feeling that forever will still not be enough for me. So, I will always cherish and appreciate with what I am given. 

Due to our birthdays are only 2 days apart from each other, we always celebrate our birthdays together on my mom's actual birthday. I don't mind actually, but honored for having my birthday so close to my mom's. Imagine if I was actually born on my mother's birthday, how cool would that be? Then we will be exactly 30 years apart. This year, my sister and dad took my mom and me to Macoy European Restaurant in Greentown (the same place where David Diner is) to have our birthday dinner. Food there is really good and also of course, pricey. The place isn't as fancy looking as any other restaurants like Euro House or anything. It has a simple yet comfortable and peaceful environment that allows conversation to be heard clearly. Environment isn't that important, but as long as the food is good, then it is all that matters. But a lot of people do dress up semi-formal when they dine there and also a lot of people bring their own wine there.

Servings from Macoy European Restaurant

That same night, we came home to blowing candles and cutting our birthday cake. To me, a birthday celebration is never complete without a birthday cake and I don't mind having one cake for every birthday dinner that is for me. Heh! Heh! I am so greedy huh. I am 19 this year, and if we put the amount of candles correctly, I am suppose to have 10 candles to blow off but then sadly, I only have 1. But anyway, at least I got to blow the candle on the cake. That's all that matters. 

Another birthday present from my family besides the flight tickets

On my birthday morning, sis and mom took me to Stan & Brew for a birthday breakfast. I knew my mom went to the counter to order macaroons for me but I had no idea that she asked the barrister to arrange all 6 of the macaroon and turn it into a 'cake'. Heh! Heh! Very creative yet cute. Sweetest birthday cake that I have ever tasted because it consists of macaroons. :P

"Thank you to every single one of you for the wonderful wishes, post, messages and gifts that has made this 19th birthday of mine a meaningful and memorable one"

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