
Perak, Malaysia | JUL 2015

by - July 31, 2015

Not being able to go to Singapore as our holiday, we planned to go back to our hometown as our little getaway before university starts. It will be too long to blog about every detail for the past one week. Hence, it's just going to be about places and significant activities that we did. Haha.

Taiping, Perak

We arrived back in Ipoh on Saturday morning and after lunch, my family and I along with Belle drove to Taiping for a little site seeing, visit the newly opened Aeon, as well as a boat ride at night to learn more about the rivers as well as to see 6km long of fireflies. Before the boat ride, we had seafood dinner in a restaurant nearby. Didn't manage to capture any picture of the firefly because it was too faint to be captured by our phone camera.

For the boat ride package, I would strongly recommend this guy here:

Semi-sunset during the boat ride

First time witnessing so many eagles together as well as to watch how they feed

Clearwater Sanctuary Golf Club

After having a dim sum breakfast at Ming Court, Ipoh, we made a trip to clearwater to have a little walk around. Mainly it was because of pictures that I saw that was very nice taken by some acquaintances and luckily, we found the exact location.

One of the iconic places to visit around Ipoh/Perak is the Kellie's Castle. I've been there myself for a few times, but Belle had not. So, we'd decided to go on Monday morning after having our brunch at Petit Mary Patisserie.

Petit Mary

Croissant with Tuna & Croissant with Ham and Egg

Kellie's Castle

Concubine Lane & Mural Art around Old Town, Ipoh

Not much photos from my side, most of it is with Belle. Haha. Here, Belle experienced for the first time in making her own cotton candy which is the one that I am holding in the picture. After that, we walked around to look for the mural paintings but the weather was too hot to stay for long.

Kampar, Perak

On Wednesday morning, I drove us both to Kampar as Belle has not been there and wanted to have a tour around UTAR. Upon arriving the entrance gate, I notice there were a lot of cars and from experience, I would be cursing if someone gets stopped at the security check just because they do not have a car sticker. I didn't want to risk it, so I made a U-Turn and only manage to see a little bit of it from the outside. After leaving UTAR, I've heard of lots of development ongoing around the area and decided to went for a little site seeing. Before leaving, I drove around Kampar town as well as the train station. 

Pretty new buildings

Michelangelo Pizzeria

On Wednesday night, we went to Michelangelo for dinner and then Zakka Loft which is just across the road for dessert.

Their special Rainbow Cake where each colour has a different flavor

Ice cream Brownie

Yoke Fook Moon, Dim Sum Restaurant

One of my favourite Dim Sum place because of their 'Lau Sa Pau' which is super delicious. Bought a few back to KL for Boo to enjoy as well.

Train ride back to KL together.

See you on the 4th! :)

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  1. hahaha superb summarised. the family photo looks so good. omg im so proud >:D
