
The Red Beanbag & The Library Coffee Bar, Publika

by - June 28, 2015

On 26th of June (which is also my mum's birthday), Belle and I went to Publika for my birthday celebration lunch & outing. She came by to my apartment nearing to 11am, and we both drove out to Publika together using my car. 

We had lunch at The Red Beanbag. It's both our first time here, and we've seen quite good reviews about the food at this place.

As usual, we ordered some dishes and share them out.

Mushroom Soup. It was a tad too oily for Belle, but it was fine for me. Haha.

Signature Toast. I love the toast alone with the syrup. Haha. Belle ate most of the fruits there because I am not a too big of a fan for blueberries as well as strawberries.

The Atlantic. Toast bread, with poached eggs, vegetables and salmon. Very delicious and filling. Don't be deceived by the size of it.

Thank you for the wonderful presents.

A shot together outside of the restaurant. Photo credits to one of the waitress there.

#OOTD shots.

Belle didn't really liked this shot, but I love it a lot!

After walking around Publika, we decided to have dessert and drink at The Library Coffee Bar. We ordered a Chocolate Mousse Cake and their Luxurious Chocolate drink, and share it as we were both stuffed from lunch. 


Thank you for the special request for candle and lighter, as well as the Happy Birthday song. 

Super candid shot but I like it. Haha.

We both headed back to my apartment, and chilled for a little before she head out again for work at 5pm. We managed to do the Best Friend Tag, as well as a short VLOG of our day together. Check them out below:


Best Friend Tag

Thank you for the awesome day! <3

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  1. mousse cake :X

    xD love how you edit our videos teehee <3 <3

    1. Haha. Oops!
      Yes, and I like our videos a lot too! Kept replaying it Hahaha!
