
Yamaha Digital Piano P-105

by - March 24, 2015

To be able to do perfect piano recordings has been my wish and dream for the past a year or so. In order for me to do that, it's either I get a recording room, or a digital piano which can allow me to do recording without any noise in the background. After months of talking, doing some marketing to my parents to tell them about how and what I can do with a digital piano, I've finally got one! Also, thanks to my buddy Belle for going on this adventure with finding the perfect digital piano with me. In the end, the both of us got the same model of digital piano, discussed and planned some bucket list and even had our retirement plan planned out. Haha.

Don't mind the slight dust on the piano. The apartment here gets really dusty easily.

Lots of rhythm and sound functions for me to play around. Feels like a mini organ to me, which I have not played on one for ages.

More functions below the top function buttons, and above the piano keys.

Yay for built in piano pedals! Also, it comes with an external sustain pedal. So much win!

The best part of all; I am now able to do nice piano covers!

Foldable bench that comes with the piano for only RM50! What a good buy.

A whole book of instructions for a new owner of a digital piano like me! Hehe. But there are some parts that we need to go to Yamaha website to download further detailed explanations.

Many thanks to Boo for helping me to assemble the piano. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't even had noticed that I misassembled one of the parts.

Now I can practice more piano pieces even when I am away from home! I am really considering of taking up Diploma although I know it's going to be tough for me when the last I took my grade 8 exam was 2 years back. Meaning, there's 2 years of deterioration of skills of classical music for me. On top of that, I don't know how hectic my university work would be for me in the future. Dilemma dilemma. 

Anyway, here is a short playing of me trying out the recording system. Nothing big nor special but apparently it was way too good for my family when I sent it to them. Haha. Did not do any video recording of me playing it. Hence, the picture of my digital piano.
Enjoy! :)

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