
Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra & Shopping

by - December 21, 2014

How I end up getting the tickets for the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) was a long story. It was initially an anniversary gift for boo but there was a change in plans. So, I changed the tickets to a show in December and lucky enough, there was something familiar that I have heard of before. It's a performance based on the movie Home Alone and decided to get it for both my parents as Christmas present. With a last minute planning, my grandma was (and still is) here in Ipoh to have a week stay with us and then my parents decided to get 2 more for my grandma and I to go as well. Hence, 4 tickets to the MPO on the night of 19th Dec 14'. 

I saw photos from Google search that some people even dress up to the extend of wearing evening gowns to the MPO and I knew that was a tad too much. So, I decided on a dress, heels and basic make up. The mild hairdo was a last minute thing because there was no hair dryer in the service apartment and I didn't bring mine and all I brought was a curler just in case my hair was in a bad flow after drying it. Without the hairdryer my hair was in a total mess, so it was the curler to the rescue and it turned out this way. Feels like I was having poodle ears. Haha.

Upon arriving in KLCC, there was a group of carolers performing at the concourse but it was towards the end already. Nonetheless, they were good based on the short duration that I've got to watch before going for dinner at Ms. Kwan's because Madam Kwan was too full (as usual).

A little night stroll at the KLCC garden before making our way to the MPO hall.

My phone takes nicer night shots compared to my DSLR (under my handling because I suck) and no editing was needed.

#ootd shot by my mum while waiting for the doors to be opened for audiences.

Photography is strictly prohibited in the hall but knowing me being a rebellious human being, since when I don't break the rules. This was a quick-and-phone-blocked-using-my-body shot. Haha. 

For the entire 2 hours, I was in awe from the performance of the orchestra (and the interior of the hall as well). It was a unique performance I would say because the entire Home Alone movie was shown on the screen minus the background music as the musics were being played live accordingly to the sequence of the show and the timing was perfect. The music was well blended with the movie as neither of the actor's voice nor the music of the orchestra was overpowering one another. You would actually thought you're watching a movie and forget about the entire orchestra in front of you if you're not much of a music person. 

The entire performance was really lively, clean and well coordinated. They ended the performance with a bang and I had goosebumps throughout the entire performance. Now, I am addicted to the Home Alone theme song - Somewhere In My Memory - and it's on repeat on my iTunes right now.


The next day after breakfast, my family and I decided to head to IOI City Mall in Putrajaya (opened last month) to have a walk around. Little did I know, everywhere was on sale! It was like heaven to me and the shopaholic side of me resurfaced. *Oh no..*

First item bought was a watch. To be honest, I have never heard of this brand before but according to the salesperson, it's from U.S. and it was on offer - 15% off and an additional 10%. Got this watch for RM157 and I thought it was a good buy. Hopefully it'll not give me much problems. Haha. I love the design tho. Very much Daniel Wellington inspired except that it's not and I don't mind. Call me cheapo :P

Bought 2 pairs of new shoes for RM80. Luckily my grandmother saw the "2 for RM80" sign. If not, I would have just bought the black and white flats for RM59! These are from Cotton On and everything was super reasonable in there. Not sure is it the same for all outlets or only that particular outlet in IOI City Mall.

Of course, I'll never miss out clothing when it comes to shopping. These are all that I have bought throughout the past 4 days from My Home, Acewin, Dees, H&M and Cotton On. Decided to go for more basics this time as I would have more chance to wear them in campus and not just for special or specific occasions. Proud of myself that I resisted on buying everything I tried and only picked those that I know I'll wear on normal days with reasonable pricing. *pats own head*

Bought a new sling bag from Brands Outlet Store for campus/everyday use and also did a small charity on getting the 'owl bag' from Cotton On and that's the only owl that doesn't scare me away. Haha.

Signing off :)

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  1. Lol the dress code is so detailed. last time my ticket was just "Dress code : Formal."
    & I just saw the charity bag today too, but didn't buy :x

    1. Haha. Perhaps there were some people who didn't understood 'formal' before. Hence, the well detailed explanation. I bought the bag because the owl is so adorable and also it seem to be a good bag for campus use on lighter notes carrying days :P
