
Singapore 2013 | Day 2

by - January 10, 2014

Spent the entire day 2 at, guess where? Obvious enough, UNIVERSAL STUDIOS SINGAPORE! Hehehe!! My leg was already starting to hurt from all the walking of previous day, but when you are having fun, you just simply naturally forget and ignore everything that's bothering you. Heh Heh! 

At the entrance of Universal Studios, Singapore

Nothing much to say about second day. All in all, I had lots of fun ^^

So, let pictures do the work :

This area is known as Hollywood

Trying on funny hats :P

Look at the name of the restaurant behind, 'Mel's Drive-In' HEHE!! Me me me me! XD

New York Street


While waiting for a show, 'Lights, Camera, Action'
With Catherine and David

Inside the hall of monster rock
Good performance and music. Everything is so lively and the sound system is just wow! Sadly, I couldn't take any picture of the performance as I was not allowed.

Italian lunch
Biggest individual pizza I have ever seen and eaten!

Santa's sleigh! HEHE!

I got hugged by ELMO!

While lining up for the transformer ride with our 3D glasses on

Oh yeah, the 4 of us bought the express ticket while the others got the normal ticket. The express ticket cost us an extra of SGD50 but then it is totally worth it! Imagine this, the normal line takes about an hour and a half to queue while those with the express ticket only needed to wait about 15-30 minutes! The express ticket is really worth the purchase! We got to go onto every single ride in Universal Studios except for those kiddy-baby rides. Heh Heh! And also unfortunately, they closed down 2 of the roller coasters. Not sure why but at least there was one left, it's called 'The Mummy'. 

This roller coaster is so awesome! It's in a pitch black closed up area filled with scary mummy decorations inside. There were fire and mummies everywhere! The roller coaster went backwards, steep down and up and turning everywhere! It's a very scary ride but at the end of it, you would feel like going again. XD

After transformer ride, a picture with Bumblebee in his car figure

BUMBLEBEE! My favourite! And... it is actually moving! As in, it's a costume for someone to wear it. LOL! It look so real!

While waiting for the accelerator ride

This ride, it will keep spinning non stop and you can't control anything! Best not to ride it after meals. HAHA!

Somewhere near 'The Mummy Ride'

Waterworld show

After the show, we went for another 2 rides. One of it is a water ride and yes, I did get wet, a little but the girl opposite me got drenched wet! It's something like a river ride with high and low tides and at one point, we were like dropping down from a waterfall and that was the biggest splash! The second ride, is a canopy ride. We hang from above to overlook the whole Universal Studios. It's actually quite slow but then it really swing you left and right when cornering! I screamed for no reason and everyone looked up and I shut up! LOL!

After the rides, we watched the Parade :
Some interesting shots I got, mostly all uploaded in Facebook

After the parade, we headed to Castle Far Far Away (From the movie, Shrek)

Went for a motion master in the castle. Lots of movements, wind and water splashing LOL! It was pretty cool, but I prefer more scary rides. HAHA! I don't know why :P

We are now in MADAGASCAR!

Our last ride, a boat ride into Madagascar land. Hehe!! More for like little kids, but then it's fun too! Even the my parents, aunt and uncle went for it but they took a different boat from us because our ticket types are different.

Not much pictures after that until the Christmas show because it was raining. So, I kept my camera and all the other gadgets :( The Christmas show is a special one as it's only on show for the Christmas season. At the end of the show, there were snowfalls all around but what it's actually just foams and bubbles LOL!

The Sesame Christmas Special Show


Pretty snow everywhere!

Before going back, we saw the characters, Marilyn Monroe and Betty Boop. Followed them till where they stopped for a photography session and my sister and I took a shot with them.

Marilyn Monroe

Betty Boop

Overall, it was a great day! A new different experience. I did not realize how tired and painful my leg was until when I was waiting to board the MRT to go back to my relative's house. LOL! I could barely walk that night and of course, had a very good night sleep after a long day of games and rides. Wheeee! ^^

Till my next post, cheers! ^^
Signing off.

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